This microproject will bring significant improvements to the lives of 30 ecuadorian families living in extreme vulnerability. By providing monthly food baskets, it will directly address malnutrition, ensuring that children and their families have access to essential nutrients for healthy development. Additionally, by establishing a reserve for medical expenses, it will offer timely support for illnesses, enabling families to afford necessary medicines and healthcare services.
This project addresses malnutrition and the lack of access to healthcare among ecuadorian vulnerable families. Many children suffer from preventable health issues such as respiratory and skin conditions due to poor living conditions. The project will ensure that these families have a consistent food supply and a reserve for medical expenses, reducing the impact of these health challenges on their lives.
The project will provide monthly food baskets to the 30 families JUCONI serves, improving their nutrition and overall health. Additionally, a reserve fund will be established to assist with medical expenses, allowing families to purchase necessary medicines or access healthcare when needed. This dual approach will prevent further health deterioration and provide families with the resources they need to maintain a stable living environment.
This microproject will have a long-term impact by strengthening the health and resilience of 30 vulnerable families. As their nutritional and medical needs are addressed, children will be more likely to stay in school and parents will be better equipped to provide a stable environment. Over time, this support will contribute to breaking the cycle of violence and poverty, helping families build a future free of the hardships that previously plagued them.
Support this important cause by creating a personalized fundraising page.
Start a FundraiserEvery microproject is intended to use the donations it receives in accordance with its stated description; however, it is important to provide project leaders with the flexibility to maximize the potential benefit from the donations they receive. This means that your donation may be used as a part of the main project that supports this microproject, specifically Therapy for ecuadorian children to break the cycle. In this event, the project leader is required to post an update to the microproject detailing the results and reasons behind this change.
If you or any other donor is unhappy with the way their funds have been used, he or she can reallocate their donation using the GlobalGiving guarantee.