The microproject will allow us to continue with the enriched meal plan prioritizing an abundance of nutritious food items and fruit to support the existing midday meal programme.
According to government sources, international organizations funding the enriched meal programme may not have adequate funding to continue with the programme which commenced in April this year. Funds raised from the microproject will support buffering and continuing the existing programme.
It will help solve the malnourishment among at least the fifty children we serve.
With 2.3 million Sri Lankan children found to be malnourished in the month of September and Sri Lanka among the top ten countries with the highest number of malnourished children, the enriched meal programme has proven to improve nutrition levels among the children, helped them to be more alert in school, concentrate on educational activities and quite definitely eased the economic burden for the parents. With the school's midday meal programme playing an important role in the lives of children.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).