Support 3 former students during COVID-19 pandemic

A microproject by Bosana Foundation
Support 3 former students during COVID-19 pandemic
Support 3 former students during COVID-19 pandemic
Support 3 former students during COVID-19 pandemic
Support 3 former students during COVID-19 pandemic


This project will provide temporary support for the upcoming 3 months to three of our former Bosana scholarship recipients who have been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic by losing their current jobs and as a result not being able to cover their basic living expenses.

total raised
monthly donors


Currently, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, our former students who have found employment and provided for their own livelihoods thanks to our scholarship, are no longer able to go to work or have indefinitely lost employment/projects. Their basic livelihoods are at stake and if this pandemic continues that involves self-isolation, they will not be able to buy basic life supplies.


This microproject will provide funding for three of our students for three months to help them cover basic living expenses, including food and supplies.

Long-Term Impact

The project will support three of our former students from falling into poverty and to best navigate the current challenges. These students have given back so much for the support that they too were given during their studies and we are sure that they will give back again.


Organization Information

Bosana Foundation

Location: Los Angeles, CA - USA
Project Leader:
Senita Slipac
Los Angeles , California United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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