We are seeking a minimum of $250 to buy basic necessities for a 13-year-old victim of physical abuse. She was rescued last night with nothing but the clothes on her back. Our team is working to stabilize and emotionally support her, but we urgently need to provide her with basic necessities such as clothes (bras, underwear, etc.), toiletries, and medical expenses.
We are seeking a minimum of $250 to buy basic necessities for a thirteen-year-old victim of physical abuse (awaiting victim identification for labour trafficking case). She was rescued last night with nothing but the clothes on her back. Our team is working to stabilize and emotionally support her, but we urgently need to provide her with basic necessities such as clothes (bras, underwear, etc.), toiletries, and medical expenses.
In the short time we've known her we've learned that she loves cats and barbies, so if there is money to spare we'd like to get her some toys. HUG is in the process of moving her to a shelter where she'll receive necessary care, and this money will be used to cover these immediate needs before she can be relocated there.
The clothes and basic necessities that she will receive will be the first step in her recovery process