Having a minibus will create a safe way for our youth to travel roundtrip each day from school to their homes. The minibus will also be used as a shuttle bus to help us bring in revenue from our growing tourism business. We will be creating travel arrangements with hotels, tourism companies, other businesses and schools that need transport services. Profits from this business will be used to keep our youth center sustainable and help it grow.
Necessary resources in Kliptown are in limited supply. Running water is scarce. Proper sanitation, safe electrical installations and proper schooling is limited. Due to the Covid-19 lockdown many parents have lost their jobs and can't provide food and other necessities for their families. Also, because of Covid-19, South Africa had to cut down on international travel which has severely curtailed a previous source of income for our youth center.
Having a minibus will create a safe way for our youth to travel roundtrip each day from school to their homes. The minibus will also be used as a shuttle bus to help us bring in revenue from our growing tourism business. We will be creating travel arrangements with hotels, tourism companies, other businesses and schools that need transport services. Profits from this business will be used to keep our youth center sustainable and help it grow.
with this project, our beneficiaries do not have to go out and hustle for food for their families or for the younger brothers and sisters, the meals are provided for them and their families on daily bases. The meals project also helps families by providing them with food parcels, fruits and vegetables for mostly the disadvantaged families. The Project does provide 3 meals a day for a number of +200 young people are living in the community of kliptown.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).