This project will help an aspiring student Mary from a very poor background. She needs scholarship support to be able attend a school each year. There is only one free public school in Gbawe, which is overcrowded with up to 65 children per class. High unemployment and illiteracy in the area means local parents are unable to afford good quality schools which are fee paying. We will provide a motivated, hardworking students like Mary with a scholarship to good quality schools in Ghana.
Mary has a single mother because her father died, this means she needs help from generous supporters like you in continuing her education and development. Mary's mother is a petty trader who sells okro with a very low income of $2 a day to take care of Mary and her sister's education and development. Mary's school fees for last term have not yet been paid which has led to missing classes (this is $90 per term). Mary's favorite subject at school is math and she is determined to stay at school.
This microproject will provide much needed scholarship funds to Mary, as she has been identified in the community as impoverished and her family will not able to send Mary to a good quality school without help. You can make a real difference in the life of Mary through regular school attendance and make her be part of her community. This will enable her to create a better future for herself and her entire family.
It is expected that children like Mary who would otherwise dropout from the school system due to circumstances beyond her control, would now through the project grow to become responsible citizens and lead a normal life and contribute to the community development instead of becoming unemployed, thieves and other social misfits.This will enable Mary to create a better future for herself and her entire family.