Over 30% of children in Honduras leave school after the sixth grade, and even that 30% often remain illiterate without basic math competency. It's worse in isolated, urban areas. Poverty worsens when frustrated youth leave Honduras. This microproject will send a Honduran Robotics team to compete on the world stage in Mexico City in 2018. They will return enthused and committed. They will be confident, competent leaders, enlivening their communities to transform challenges into opportunities.
STEM education yielding competency is an essential component for development. But, the lack of resources in the educational system makes the provision of STEM education impossible. The exciting and meaningful possibilities for becoming engineers, computer programmers, skilled professionals, and problem solvers are not even recognized. Frustration for young people without opportunities leads to despair and generates social crises.
The students who successfully competed in the 2017, first ever, International, Olympic-style, Robotics competition in Washington, DC, returned with passion. They founded a Robotics Club; became leaders in their communities; and are pursing higher levels of education to become problem solvers. Their confidence, enthusiasm, and determination is infectious. Those who continue this year will bring about even greater change. Quality, effective, STEM education will become normative.
Present students will be empowered to access opportunities and secure professional, fulfilling careers. They will often be the first from their families to move beyond poverty's limitations. They will become leaders within their communities and their nation, addressing the root causes that keep Honduras poor. As the model extends and grows, communities will find opportunities to develop -- economically and socially. Education will provide the standard for hope and inspiration.