Restart Gulu Trades school after Covid closure

A microproject by Family Harvest Foundation
Restart Gulu Trades school after Covid closure


Covid 19 has changed lives. The Family Harvest Foundation Trades School has been closed to help keep the virus from hurting us all. It's time to re-open but we lack the funds to restart. Our teachers have not had a stipend since March. The consolidated stipend for our teachers and administrator is US$720 per month. We are US$223 in arrears for rent. To restart we also need to provide deep cleaning as well as hand sanitation items. Funds received will allow us to re-open and teach.

total raised
monthly donors


Providing 80% of the back pay to the 7 teachers will allow them to pay their personal rent/expenses and come back to teach. Paying 80% of the rent arrears will allow the school to remain open and provide this much needed trades training. Adding extra cleaning and purchasing sanitizing products will keep staff and students safer.


The Family Harvest Foundation teachers are capable and committed. Receiving some portion of their back stipend will relieve the precarious financial position the teachers now find themselves in. The teachers have said they can manage on 80% of back pay. The trades school can re-open and provide the much-needed jobs-oriented training.

Long-Term Impact

Through providing hands-on skills training our youth will have marketable skills for jobs. A secure job provides hope and financial security for them and their families. As the economy develops in the Gulu region there will be less opportunity for gangs to form and grow. This will build our people and our community.


Organization Information

Family Harvest Foundation

Location: Gulu, Gulu,Northern Uganda - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Family HarvestF1
Project Leader:
Francis Oyat Otoo
Gulu , Northern Uganda Uganda

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