This microproject will use the completed dormitory building (constructed using the funds from the parent project) to rescue and accommodate 100 SY and protect them from the spread of COVID-19. We have received partial funding to rescue the youth and require additional funding for operational expenses such as food, blankets, soaps, and PPE.
COVID-19 is easily transmissible. Kenyan government has imposed restrictive measures to contain the transmission of the virus such as social distancing with a night curfew, quarantines, and there's a possibility of a total lockdown order. All these interventions require a home that most street individuals do not have. They require support to go back to their homes and emergency shelter for those who cannot go back home. We seek support in creating an emergency response program to protect them.
We will: I. Rescue at least 200 street-connected children and youth from the streets and educate them about the COVID-19 virus II. Reintegrate those with homes back to their families to enable them to follow the government measures III. Provide emergency shelter and other alternative accommodation for street families who cannot access their homes IV. Develop systems to refer street individuals who contract the virus to emergency health care centers and provide them support
Street youth with no immediate access to their house will be provided with shelter as support to adhere to government measures. We will have social workers providing psychosocial support, mental health assessment, as well as drug and substance abuse treatment. Other psychosocial support activities like games, music, dance and informal education will be provided. Once the pandemic is controlled, the sheltered beneficiaries will be supported with reintegration, education and vocational training.