American women like Genna often go abroad as trailing spouses when their husbands get a job overseas. When the husband becomes violent, they have nowhere to turn. They need help escaping. With this project we will be able to get Genna and her baby new American passports and get them home.
Genna gave up her job in San Francisco when her husband got a job in Asia. She was content being a trailing spouse until her husband became more and more abusive during her pregnancy. Genna has recently given birth and is desperate to get herself and her baby away from the abuse. Genna needs funds for her baby's certificate of birth abroad and passports.
We will be able to get Genna a certificate of birth abroad and a passport for her baby from the American Embassy. Then we can help Genna escape abuse and come home.
Each year we provide battered American women and children with information and services necessary to enable them to live their lives without violence. Since 2001 we have helped over 3000 women plus their children free themselves from abuse.