When Janet fled Bolivia with her son Leon to escape her violent husband, she knew Leon would need help to overcome the abuse he had suffered. We need to get Leon counseling to help ensure he grows up without the detrimental effects of child abuse.
Leon experienced both mental and physical abuse from his father in Bolivia. Janet, Leon's mother, did her best to keep Leon safe, taking most of the abuse herself, but she could not prevent every incident. With counseling, Leon has a much better chance of growing up without the trauma of child abuse.
Leon will be able to receive 15 counseling sessions with a psychologist that specializes in child abuse recovery. The $600 will cover the $40 co-pay for the 15 sessions for Leon.
The project serves 500 women per year empowering them to find alternatives to a life of violence so their children grow up in violence free homes with their self-esteem in tact with the hope of stopping the cycle of violence in future generations.