Martha is an elderly woman living in Costa Rica with her American husband. They retired to Costa Rica many years ago. Martha's husband is abusing her verbally, withholding her medications and not allowing her access to bank accounts. She wants to come home to the USA to live with her daughter.
Martha's husband has become more and more abusive as the years have gone by. As a senior citizen/retiree living in Costa Rica, she has very little resources. Her husband takes her social security checks and she does not have any access to their bank accounts. He also withholds her medication and verbally abuses Martha.
We will be able to purchase a plane ticket for Martha to come home to the USA to live with her daughter. Once home, Martha will be able to open her own bank account and get her social security benefits directly.
Each year we provide battered American women and children with information and services necessary to enable them to live their lives without violence. Since 2001 we have helped over 3000 women plus their children free themselves from abuse.