HERD Elephant Impact Project Phase 2

A microproject by Wildlife Conservation Trust
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HERD Elephant Impact Project Phase 2
HERD Elephant Impact Project Phase 2
HERD Elephant Impact Project Phase 2
HERD Elephant Impact Project Phase 2
HERD Elephant Impact Project Phase 2
HERD Elephant Impact Project Phase 2
HERD Elephant Impact Project Phase 2
HERD Elephant Impact Project Phase 2
HERD Elephant Impact Project Phase 2
HERD Elephant Impact Project Phase 2
HERD Elephant Impact Project Phase 2


The operation involves the rehabilitation of previously cultivated land to a more stable and naturally representative state.

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monthly donors


It is essential that we tend to the surrounding land in the vicinity where the elephants traverse regularly en route to the further areas of the reserve. Once we reach our target, we will be able to apply preventative management techniques to the surrounding land to prevent environmental degradation shaped by the elephants. In Phase 1 we were able to cover 50 Hectares of land, and we aim to cover the same area in Phase 2.


This involves the selective removal of encroaching indigenous tree species and reusing the plant matter using a veld management technique called brush packing. The operation will also remove alien/invasive plants species of the cacti variation from the affected area. Due to the lack of a stable grass community, indigenous grass seeds will be used to speed up the restoration process.

Long-Term Impact

The long-term impact will ensure regeneration of essential elements necessary to make the environment thrive, manage corrosion, ensure a greater diversity of healthy growth of plants and trees, and restore balance in grazing areas. This is absolutely vital to ensure longevity of the conservation as well as the health and well-being of wildlife grazing in these areas, especially for the elephants in our care.


Organization Information

Wildlife Conservation Trust

Location: Pretoria - South Africa
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Trust_Wildlife
Project Leader:
Sunel Craythorne
Pretoria , Gauteng South Africa

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