Mature rhinos need as much support and love as the younger ones! In fact, even more so, as security concerns increase daily. Just because they are older and possibly a little less cute, does not make them any less vulnerable. We have 3 strong and incredible rhino survivors in our care that still need our support, commitment, love, and most importantly, protection. This comes with great financial costs that keep rising, and we can't do it alone. We need all the help we can get.
HESC provides a sanctuary and rehabilitation for victims and orphans of rhino poaching. Since 2013 we have rehabilitated thirteen rhinos of which ten have been released back into nature. The cost of this rehabilitation is immense and covers veterinary treatment, food, daily maintenance, and security. Funding is always easier when the rhinos are tiny and cute, but as they get older, they are often forgotten. However, their needs and our financial responsibility remain the same.
The funds raised in this project will help to cover the daily running costs of each rhino for the next year, as well as procure some much-needed equipment for keeping them safe. The rhinos' security is our primary concern and the funds raised will enable us to strengthen our security. Anti-poaching initiatives have and always will remain a priority at HESC.
Sufficient funds will ensure that we can continue to rehabilitate, protect and provide sanctuary for this endangered species. Every rhino counts and because white rhinos are increasingly being poached, we aim to protect them and contribute to the survival of this iconic species so that our children and their children will still be able to enjoy them. We have the know-how and the facilities but must rely on your financial support. Help us to help those that cannot help themselves.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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