This microproject will pay school fees for Peter. GlobalGiving donors have contributed $170 but there is a balance of $280 for him to be able to complete tuition. He grows corn for sale to earn money for upkeep,He is in the final semester and final year in university.he is pursuing a diploma in business management in a university in Uganda.This money will enable him complete university education this year.
Peter has been in university for the last two years with tuition being paid by his mum, when his mum passed on last year,life became hard for him,however,he is in the final year in the final semester in university.We could not look on as a young man's future gets wasted
Since this is the last semester and his last year in campus, this tuition will enable him complete studies and find something to do to earn a living, he wants to begin his own business and manage it himself. He has harvested corn and will sell it to get money for his upkeep while at school
After completing his studies, Peter will be employed at the Mountains of Hope to manage book work for the computer school and Internet cafe.The knowledge he is gaining in the university will enable him to manage the business well