Help Jonny Bravo play soccer again

A microproject by Partner for Surgery
Help Jonny Bravo play soccer again
Help Jonny Bravo play soccer again
Help Jonny Bravo play soccer again
Help Jonny Bravo play soccer again


Jonny Bravo is a happy boy from Chisec Alta Verapaz who misses playing soccer with his twin brother. He was identified during our mobile medical mission in June for a hernia repair. His surgery is already scheduled for October, but we need your help to cover the costs of the procedure, so that we are able to help even more children like him.

total raised
monthly donors


Children are in need of medical care in rural Guatemala, many of which are Mayan descendants. These children have little to no access to healthcare services and rely on the help of many non-profit organizations to receive the medical attention they need. By helping Partner for Surgery cover the costs of Jonny Bravo's surgery, we will be able to help more children like him.


The cost of the procedure covers medical care at our mobile medical mission, surgical care and follow up. After the surgery is performed, we will be counting the days to see Jonny Bravo play soccer with his brother again.

Long-Term Impact

At the most basic level, Partner for Surgery improves the health of the rural poor. But our mission is broader. Improved health allows the people to focus on education for the children and meaningful work for the adults, thereby reducing the degree of poverty for future generations. Partner for Surgery brings hope to some of the world's most desperately poor people.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Organization Information

Partner for Surgery

Location: McLean, VA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @pfsguatemala
Project Leader:
Frank Peterson
Partner for Surgery
McLean , VA United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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