Pearl and her daughter Jade need to flee her abusive husband in Poland. We have made all the necessary arrangements except one. Pearl rescued a kitten for Jade and now they will have to leave the kitten behind if we don't raise the money to get an exam, veterinary certifications and a small crate for Snowball.
Pearl knows that if they have to leave Snowball behind Jade will be devastated. With so much abuse going on in the home, Jade and Snowball are inseparable. The escape plan is in place, we just need to get Snowball to the veterinarian and get a small carrying cage for the plane.
Pearl, Jade and Snowball will be able to flee home to the USA away from the abuse of Pearl's husband in Poland. They can begin their lives over without abuse.
We will provide services to 150 American victims with pets in approximately 50 countries while they are fleeing violence. Our goal is to have all of them reach safety with their pets and live their lives without violence in their homes.