Effects of COVID-19 in Kibera slums is massive, in this community lives revolve around people 98%. Houses are too small for the curfew, staying home full time is next to impossible, they are exposed to the virus. We want to make girls "SAFE CHAMPIONS". They will receive information about Corona and pass it across to others, equipped with protective gear and the right information, they will be safe. They also need pads, the essential commodity slowly becoming secondary due to the COVID-19.
In Kibera houses are small, water rationed and with all students around due to the COVID-19 lock down, life has become unbearable. Hygiene and Social distancing which are the main preventive measures haven't been practiced so far, many who do not have televisions don'tt understand why the conditions are imposed on them. The project aims at equipping teenage girls with information and protective clothes, to document and disseminate the right information with their families and fellow girls.
This project will give Kibera girls an opportunity to contribute positively to their community during these tough times, and will join the world as Health Champions in fighting COVID-9. The girls, their families and peers will be protected and community protection will also increase. The girls will have notebooks to document their experiences during the exercise which can be used for learning at a later date. the girls will feel important and engaged. The current exposure to risk will reduce.
The Champions will remain champions, they will feel confident and always ready to step in in case of an emergency in the community and even beyond. Girls leadership will have been built and capacity of member of Kibera Community as far as COVID 19 is concerned will increase. The people will take better measure with full understanding to protect themselves and still to reach more people with the relevant information. Lives as far as hygiene is concerned will be iimproved.