Ever needs your help to walk again

A microproject by Mahavir Kmina Artificial Limb Center
Ever needs your help to walk again
Ever needs your help to walk again
Ever needs your help to walk again
Ever needs your help to walk again
Ever needs your help to walk again
Ever needs your help to walk again
Ever needs your help to walk again
Ever needs your help to walk again
Ever needs your help to walk again
Ever needs your help to walk again


Ever is a sweet kid from Buenaventura, a port city on the banks of the Pacific. His left leg did not developed correctly during gestation and now he needs our help to walk with no need of crutches or a wheelchair. With your donations, we can produce a prosthetic leg and fits it to him, so he will able to walk by himself and even more than that: he will be able to go to school like any other kid and play soccer, his favorite sport.

total raised
monthly donors


More than 750.000 people are living with moving disabilities in Colombia according to the last census conducted by DANE (National Administrative Department of Statistics) in 2007. One of them is Ever, a 7 years old kid from Buenaventura, a small fishing city on the banks of the Pacific, who never developed one of his legs during gestation. Because of that, he needs crutches to walk, which is a big problem because he must to walk several kilometers to the closeness school.


With your donations, we can make and place a prosthetic leg for Ever, so he will be able to walk by himself, go to school, play soccer, which is his favorite sport, and even more! With our prosthesis, Ever will be capable of running, jumping, dancing, swimming and any other fun motor activity, like any other kid. Helping us, you are contributing to give more opportunities to disabled people to live a dignified life and to reduce social gaps that discriminate them for their special condition.

Long-Term Impact

Makavir Kmina provides prostheses to 450 amputees per year. This project will provide in a one year period, prostheses to 30 children and youth between 1 and 25 years old who have suffered lower limb amputation allowing them to become independent in their daily life activities. Therefore they will have the opportunity to return to school, college or work, thus improving their living conditions and those of the people around them.


Organization Information

Mahavir Kmina Artificial Limb Center

Location: La Estrella, Antioquia - Colombia
Mahavir Kmina Artificial Limb Center
Juan Rodrigo Mejia
Project Leader:
Juan Rodrigo Mejia
Executive Director
Itagui , Antioquia Colombia

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