Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys

A microproject by Women's Resource Center
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys
Empower and Educate 100 Cambodian girls and boys


Education promotes positive health outcomes, access to opportunities and enhanced wellbeing. This is why Women's Resource Center provides informal education to women and girls in Siem Reap province, Cambodia. Today, Cambodian youth (those aged 10-19) make up 20% of the population. Delivering life skills education to youth provides essential knowledge to enable the next generation to make healthy and informed decisions as adolescents and throughout adulthood.

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monthly donors


Currently 50% of women and 27% of men believe that a husband is justified to beat his wife in certain situations. Siem Reap holds Cambodia's highest rates of domestic violence, with almost 60% of women experiencing physical, emotional, sexual or economic violence from their husband or partner. Furthermore, alcohol and drug abuse is rampant throughout communities in Siem Reap with participants of our 2015 community survey identifying alcohol use and gender issues as root causes of violence.


Women's Resource Center will provide 100 grade 8 high school students education on domestic violence, gender equality and alcohol awareness. Students will learn about the signs and impact of domestic violence, and discuss prescribed gender roles and the value of equality. The effects of alcohol on the body, mind, family and wider community will be explored, equipping students with knowledge to make informed, safe and responsible decisions as they navigate through adolescence and into adulthood.

Long-Term Impact

When equipped with knowledge, we become confident and understand our rights. This education will promote safety and wellbeing providing students with the ability to recognize and avoid potential risks and unhealthy relationships. When women understand their rights they become empowered and are able to uphold their rights and seek the necessary support if required. When young men are informed and learn to respect women and they become responsible young adults, able to make sensible decisions.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Women's Resource Center

Location: Siem Reap, - - Cambodia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Bunnak Leng
Siem Reap , Siem Reap Cambodia

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