Provide women and girls education in Cambodia

by Women's Resource Center
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Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia


Access to information and knowledge is the most effective method of self-empowerment. This is why Women's Resource Center provides free emotional support, referral services and informal education to women and girls in Siem Reap province, Cambodia. Our workshops on topics such as women's health, women's rights, domestic violence, positive parenting and financial literacy help women gain the skills and confidence they need to change their lives for the better.

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Cambodia is a young country - in population, in development and at heart. According to the 2014 Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey, nearly 2/3 of Cambodians are under the age of 30. That same survey found that only 40% of women, meaning that many girls miss out on basic education.


Providing women and girls access to information and a well supported and small group educational courses, they become more able to make informed decisions about their lives. We educate women about looking after their children's health and their own contraception options, learning money management for economic empowerment and how to recognise and escape domestic violence. Group parenting classes inform women on how best to care for their children's nutritional, emotional and developmental needs.

Long-Term Impact

Providing information and education to women and their families, the cycle of poverty can be broken to enable brighter futures for Cambodian women and girls - enabling women's dreams to become a reality. When equipped with knowledge, women understanding their rights resulting in new found confidence and empowerment. This enables them to know how best to protect and look after themselves and make informed decisions about their own lives, and those of their children.


Organization Information

Women's Resource Center

Location: Siem Reap, - - Cambodia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Bunnak Leng
Siem Reap , Siem Reap Cambodia
$102,506 raised of $110,000 goal
1,991 donations
$7,494 to go
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