Battered American mothers flee abusive homes in foreign countries and find themselves on the street with their children and no where to go. They call the international toll free hotline 866-USWOMEN, afraid, alone and in danger. We need to get these victims into a hotel for immediate safety, where a case manager can work with them to find a more long term solution for safety. This project will help 10 battered American mothers and their children with one two or nights in a hotel and food.
Fleeing an abusive home in a foreign country with just the clothes on their backs, battered American mothers are on the street with their children. When a woman flees her abuser, it is the most dangerous time for them, putting them at high risk of lethality. They need to get into a hotel immediately where an AODVC case manager can work with them to get them into a shelter or back home to the USA.
Ten battered mothers and their children will receive one or two life saving nights in a hotel, food and basic necessities while an AODVC case manager works with them to find a more long term solution for their safety.
The project serves 500 women per year empowering them to find alternatives to a life of violence so their children grow up in violence free homes with their self-esteem in tact with the hope of stopping the cycle of violence in future generations.