The project will support four aspiring vulnerable girls from Kibera to obtain a college education - an extremely rare opportunity for girls here where the population lives on less than $2 per day and just 42% of girls reach secondary school. With your support, Angela and Melissa will be supported to attend nursing colleges in Kenya, while Maureen and Violet will be supported to pursue Bachelors degrees at local universities.
The 4 girls have long dreamed of attending college, but lack the family support to pursue their education. Orphaned since age 7, Maureen lives at St. Vincent's Rescue Center. Violet was introduced to St. Vincent's at age 13 after her mother had been sent to prison and she was living at home with her 3 young siblings. Melissa lost her father to a stray bullet at 19 yrs and lives in Kibera with her mother. Angela has been raised by her aunt since primary school and is a dedicated volunteer.
The project will provide the girls with funding to cover tuition and other school costs, for example textbooks and registration fees, to complete their post-secondary education. Melissa and Angela are nursing students at the Kenya Medical Training College, while Maureen and Violet are pursuing their Bachelors at universities in Nairobi. These promising girls have been selected by St. Vincent's based on their need, their dedication to the community and their drive to achieve their goals
An almost unheard of opportunity for girls in Kibera, this microproject will enable the girls to pursue their education dreams and pave their own way out of poverty. Violet (20) will receive a Bachelor's of Business Information Technology; Maureen (18) a Bachelor's in International Relations; and Melissa and Angela (both 20) nursing degrees. All from extremely difficult backgrounds, these girls have overcome the odds by completing high school, and now look forward to bigger and better things!