The micro-project will educate 200 disabilities children's at mkuzi school through purchase them different learning materials and walking materials.This will include audio resources for those who have problem in hearing, modified worksheet, modified textbooks which is more important for them during their studies.Also the project will purchase 200 wheels chairs for those who don't have the wheel chairs since some of them are failing to reach to school for this insufficient or facing accident.
The absence of important learning materials to 200 disabilities children's at mkuzi school such as audio resources, modified worksheet, modified textbooks, wheel chairs,and eye glasses is the problem that is very huge at mkuzi .This is the one which hindering the right for them to study and to gain their education since their parents cannot afford these items.Therefore this micro Project will purchase these items and submit it to the center to increase the right for them to gain their education.
Through purchasing of 100 wheel chairs which are the ones that are currently missing and through purchase of learning materials including audio resources for those 120 who have hearing problem and also through purchase of 200 working and modified worksheet and text books to them will make this micro Project to solve this problem at mkuzi school also through provide more right for them including encourage them and giving them hope will implement through this micro Project
The project will help 30000 communities members with well educated concerning food production, agroforestry and reforestation.Also the project will benefit community through water conservation where by they will have clear water availability. Also the project will bring gender equality and equal participations through the fact that we will train more than 10000 woman's on how to create nursery seedlings for their future selling,and nutrition provision by suppliying them fruit trees in their farm
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).