This devastating global pandemic affects us all in some way but for those without a safety net it is even more life-threatening. Street-children are among the most vulnerable and they are particularly at risk during this time. EDD has been transforming street kids and their parents into valuable members of society for over 18 years. We now want to ensure that the children in our rehabilitation program whether at our centre or with their families have access to food during these trying times.
In an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, many of our children have been sent home to their parents while others remain at the centre. Our food reserves are running out and we lack funds to replenish them. We are also getting calls from parents who are in a desperate situation. The children run the risk of running back to the streets where they will be exposed to even harsher realities than they faced in the past. They will also be at higher risk of contracting and/or spreading COVID-19.
We would like to secure funds to purchase enough food for three months to carry us through this difficult lockdown period. In addition to securing the centre's food requirements we would like to prepare food packages consisting of dry foods such as maize flour, cassava flour, cooking oil, beans and rice to be safely delivered to the families of children currently enrolled in our rehabilitation program.By donating $100, you can feed 84 people (including kids and their families) for a day(3 meals)
By feeding these vulnerable children and their families we are able to keep the kids off the streets and in a safe environment for the next 3 months. We can then continue our important work of rehabilitation and reintegration once restrictions have been eased.
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).