Help replace computers stolen from Zambian school

A microproject by HANDS AROUND THE WORLD
Help replace computers stolen from Zambian school


At PIZZ School, Mrs Sianga and her dedicated team love and care for 400+ vulnerable and orphaned children. PIZZ offers excellent education and support for children to build their self-esteem and confidence. Sadly, the school office suffered a break-in this month when thieves stole 2 laptops and various other items. We plan to equip the office with 3 PCs and if we exceed our target, we will purchase more computers for the 40 students who share just 6 PCs in their computer training. Please help!

total raised
monthly donors


The school office cannot function without computers, which means the school itself cannot really function. Project staff need to keep records for the 400 children who attend the primary school as well as those who are sponsored to continue their secondary education at local schools and others who are sponsored on to University. PIZZ school is a lifeline for orphaned and disadvantaged children who otherwise would not be able to access education and support.


This project will enable the school to operate in an efficient and effective manner, keeping up to date records for all the children it seeks to help. The 3 PCs will be bought from the charity Camara Education. PCs will be more secure than laptops and the school are putting in place extra security measures to avoid this happening again. The project will help PIZZ achieve its mission to enable children to thrive & build a future in which they can reach their full potential.

Long-Term Impact

For the school to be sustainable in the long-term, it must have adequate facilities for its administration. With 3 new PC's the office will be well equipped to do this. In the long-term, this project will provide young people with the education, confidence and skills needed to obtain stable employment to enable them to support both themselves and their families.


Organization Information


Location: MONMOUTH, MONMOUTHSHIRE - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
David Steiner
Executive Officer
Monmouth , Monmouthshire United Kingdom

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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