" Computers for poor children in Colombia"

A microproject by Corporacion Superarse
" Computers for poor children in Colombia"
" Computers for poor children in Colombia"
" Computers for poor children in Colombia"
" Computers for poor children in Colombia"
" Computers for poor children in Colombia"
" Computers for poor children in Colombia"
" Computers for poor children in Colombia"
" Computers for poor children in Colombia"
" Computers for poor children in Colombia"
" Computers for poor children in Colombia"
" Computers for poor children in Colombia"
" Computers for poor children in Colombia"


Due to COVID-19, more than 85% of children do not attend schools because they are closed. The suspension of face-to-face classes has affected more than 10 million children and adolescents in Colombia. Children learn less because the lack of TECHNOLOGY and INTERNET CONNECTION makes classes difficult. In addition to the deficits in school infrastructure, only 22% of students in public schools in the city have access to a computer with internet. LETS CONNECT CHILDREN TO THE WORLD AND EDUCATION.

total raised
monthly donors


The consequences generated by COVID cause stress and affect the education and mental health of young people,especially poor children suffer much more from the consequences of the EDUCATIONAL GAP-difference between the education received by young people without resources and those who come from environments more stable.The lack of computers makes it more difficult for them to follow the classes,causing demotivation,school dropouts and interruption of learning with very serious future consequence.


This emergency is an opportunity to transform education in Colombia. With your help we will achieve it, contributing to this project, 150 boys and girls will be able to continue studying and will have EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS, COMPUTERS AND INTERNET and everything they need to receive quality education. "EDUCATION IS THE MOST POWERFUL TOOL AGAINST POVERTY"

Long-Term Impact

Every year many children receive full protection, psychological support, life skills tutoring that will allow them to have education and develop their potential to reduce the inequality gap in which they live. We seek to remove them from the dangers of street life, drugs and sexual abuse, providing them with a safe home and opportunities to develop their life projects with EDUCATION. In 50 years of work, we have welcomed almost 6000 children at risk guaranteeing their rights.


Organization Information

Corporacion Superarse

Location: Medellin, Antioquia - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Ana Palacio
Executive director
Medellin , Antioquia Colombia

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