Kai is a beloved pet of two brothers, Jay & Kyle, and their mom Charlene. Charlene tried to escape her abusive husband in Greece for years but because of the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction, she could not get her sons out. The boys were also hit by their father when they tried to stop the attacks. Now both are 16 and Charlene can flee Greece back to the USA. The plan to escape is in place but they need $400 to get Kai the necessary paperwork, a kennel and fees to fly back home
The boys grew up watching their father beat their mother. Kai was their only comfort. Now that they are both 16, they have a chance to escape without Charlene facing kidnapping charges. Unfortunately, the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction does not have a domestic violence defense so American mothers cannot get their kids out of the foreign country back home to the USA until they turn 16.
The boys do not want to leave without Kai because they know their father will take revenge on Kai. They are afraid for Kai's life. Donations to this project means Kai will be able to return home to the USA with the family and they can start their lives over far away from the terrible violence they experienced and being to heal.
This project will reduce animal abuse and help families thrive when rebuilding a healthy life away from domestic violence. Kai is vital to the family's healing after sustaining such long-term abuse.