Help Valeria to School to Learn Sign Language

A microproject by Escuela de Educacion Especial de San Miguel de Allende AC
Help Valeria to School to Learn Sign Language
Help Valeria to School to Learn Sign Language
Help Valeria to School to Learn Sign Language
Help Valeria to School to Learn Sign Language


This project will help transport a young girl who is Deaf, living in an isolated rural community and unable to communicate, to school to learn sign language and to receive an education.

total raised
monthly donors


Valeria is 11 years old, profoundly deaf and has never attended school. She lives in a small community, almost 2 hours travelling distance from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Valeria's father rises early to bring her by car to the bus station where her older sister accompanies her on the bus to San Miguel and back. Unfortunately, the price of the transportation is prohibitive for the family.


The cost of daily transportation three days each week to bring Valeria, accompanied by her sister, to school could run as high as US$360 per month/$3,600 per year.

Long-Term Impact

Fully funding this small project will ensure that Valeria attends school for at least the next year to learn Mexican Sign Language within a community of her peers. She will be given the opportunity to realize her potential by first receiving an education and later by learning a vocational skill. Almost as importantly, she will be surrounded by others with whom she can communicate, gain added confidence, and thrive in an environment of acceptance and hope for the future.


Organization Information

Escuela de Educacion Especial de San Miguel de Allende AC

Location: San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato - Mexico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Sharon Doherty
San Miguel de Allende , Guanajuato Mexico

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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