Bandi is 38 years old and a mother of two children: Bryan (8years) and Rosaline (4years). Last year, her husband abandoned her and her children. She was left with nothing and in a new location, they had just moved out of the plantation camp where they had been all their life. She is living under very meager conditions, but is hard working and manages to work every day. She borrows money from a friend to buy corn and sells in the local market, later on, reimburses the money back.
In her current condition, Bandi can't save anything, she can only manage to get food for the day and pay back her daily loan. She is the only one to look after her children and has no one in the family to support her. Her desire is to reach a point where she can be able to give her children a better life and make sure they are seen through school. For as little as 10$ you can help her take a gigantic step. Like Bandi, hundreds of people struggle under the extreme poverty line every day.
Bandi is a woman of great strength and has a passion for business. She is good at trading and hard-working, that's why her friend always entrusts her with the loan to trade corn. She always pays back. With the profit she will get from increasing the scale of her business and not having to borrow money, she will quickly generate enough income to improve her feeding and the needs of her children.
The intervention you are about to support has a set of periodic business grants and thorough accompaniment to ensure that when setbacks come she will never be back in the same situation. We meet participants regularly (every 2 weeks) to orientate them and prevent failure. With your help, she can build up her life. She will buy corn in huge quantity (50kg-100kg) and also other items like beans. Your assistance will be enough to help Bandi and her children have a fresh beginning.