Alice was born mute,her mother contracted rubella during pregnancy. Rubella is a contagious viral disease which causes fetal malformation in early pregnancy. Globalgiving donors contributed money for her two semesters of education for year 2015 and Alice started school in a school for the deaf. This project will continue paying Alice's full year school fees, accommodation and all requirements for a year of Alice's education.
Alice needs to continue learning sign language as this is the only way of communication to her, she also needs to pursue her career in tailoring as she dreams. Her family can not afford finances for her education for a full year, her father passed away in amotor accident, her mother remarried but the new husband sent Alice away because of her situation.
Alice will now lives in the school dormitory and does not need to be going back home daily, she is learning sign language, Numbers, English, writing among others and will also pursue her tailoring career, she looks bright and the community will in future benefit from her intelligence.
When Alice completes her education, she will not be a burden to any one as she will be able to earn her own money to take care of her self. The school for the deaf in the remaining years will give Alice free education.