Louise Batty, a nonprofit leader in South Africa with Keep The Dream196, reveals the strategies that ensure her year-end fundraising success.
A: We cultivated 300+ new donors in our year-end campaign. We have a strategy of focusing on our impact rather than asking. I am building relationships through our GlobalGiving reports and Facebook so that people can understand more about who we are, what we do, how we do things, and why their support is so important. We constantly recap what the donors’ support has enabled us to achieve. Again, it comes back to inspiring, educating, informing, and acknowledging the donors’ gift.
A: I focus on the impact we have in the communities we serve. For example:
I try to inspire, educate, and inform the donors about what we do, how we do it, why we do it, and what the outcome are. I try to create a sense of community so that people are open to ask questions, find out information, generate relationships, and feel like a larger part of the work we do. We can only do this work with our supporters, our partners, our collaborators, and our donors.
A: I keep our donors engaged through regular GlobalGiving reports and Facebook on a daily basis. I also keep in contact with our potential donors that are not on GlobalGiving through monthly mail-outs. Our communication revolves around stories, testimonies, facts, and impact to educate, inspire, inform, and acknowledge donors. We always link our funding to what we’re doing.
A: In addition to regular GlobalGiving reports and stories that explain the impact, we share stories from the children themselves, testimonies from visitors who have seen the project in operation firsthand, and good quality photographs.
Also, if someone has already given during the year-end season, minimize asking for donations. I inspire, educate, and draw them closer into an ongoing relationship with KTD196.
Many of our donors are not in South Africa, but I will invite those who are to come and see firsthand the work that we do. Engage deliberately with those who are geographically closer. It’s important for me to develop trust between the donor, myself, and KTD196.
A: A number of donors are friends that have either been to KTD196 or who know me and have decided to donate. These friends have continued supporting us and are giving regularly. We have hosted a number of international volunteers who have given over the year-end period because they know KTD196 and me. One was a Peace Corps volunteer who decided to donate a huge amount to us because she has seen and experienced our program, who knows me personally and trusts me. This is very rewarding. It is difficult to develop that sort of relationship through online mediums alone.
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