
How A Nonprofit In Russia Raised $23,000 In Its Year-End Campaign

Anna Zakharova, a nonprofit leader in Russia with Enjoyable Aging, reveals the year-end strategies that led to her fundraising success in Russia.


Q: Your team raised more than $23,000 in the 2017 GlobalGiving Year-End Campaign! Share your No. 1 tip for fellow year-end fundraisers.

A: Figure out the primary message you want to pass on to your donors and readers. Your year-end communications are the driver of the connection between you and them, so make them as meaningful, informative, and fulfilling for the donor as possible.

Q: You inspired 143 donors to give to your Year-End Campaign. Tell us about your strategy for attracting new donors to your mission to serve the elderly in Russia.

A: It was a range of factors, which worked well because of their integration. First, it was right time; the end of the year is always an emotional and fulfilling period for nonprofits. Second, we shared the right value proposition with our donors. That means knowing what touches, interests, or worries your donors at the moment at hand. Third, content. Back to the point above, make sure your primary message is clear. Fourth, feedback. It is so important to build both a short-term dialogue for your year-end campaign and a long-term relationship with your donors.

Q: What was the most successful outreach method you used to engage donors, and why do you think it worked so well for you?

A: Feedback methods, like reports on donor impact, and immediate thank you letters. Simple, but true 🙂 !

Q: Is there anything you wish you had done differently as you look back on your last year-end campaign?

A: We learned the importance of preparing plenty of high-quality content for a year-end campaign, far in advance of a deadline. Last year, we actually created our content hand, by hand, last minute. It wasn’t the quality we would prefer to appear in our donor communications.

Q: After your year-end campaign ended, how did you communicate with your new donors in order to ensure you could create new, long-lasting relationships?

A: Immediate thank you letters in response to each donation, followed by regular reports and news, proves to be the most useful means of retention for our team. [Get nine simple tips for writing donor thank you communications.]

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Featured Photo: Through fundraising, Enjoyable Aging is able to hire more staff members to spend more time with patients in nursing homes for senior citizens and disabled people in Russia. by Enjoyable Aging
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