Celebrate Arepa Day by joining GlobalGiving and 22 trusted nonprofits committed to providing critical support such as food and health care to children and families in Venezuela. | Celebremos el dia de la Arepa apoyando a las familias venezolanas necesitadas! Haz equipo con GlobalGiving y con 22 organizaciones reconocidas que trabajan por la salud y la nutricion en Venezuela.
Today, more than 50% of Venezuelans live in poverty. Many families in the country do not have access to proper nutrition or health care, and one third of children are chronically malnourished. | Mas del 50% de las personas en Venezuela viven en situacion de pobreza. Muchas familias, ninas y ninos en el pais no tienen acceso a servicios de salud ni a una alimentacion adecuada. Una tercera parte de los ninos sufren de desnutricion cronica.
Your donation will support high impact nonprofits working in Venezuela provide food, medicine, health care services, and more to families in need. Children without caretakers, people without homes, Indigenous groups, and people with disabilities will be prioritized. | Con tu apoyo, organizaciones expertas seguiran ofreciendo alimentos, medicinas, servicios de salud y mas a grupos vulnerables en Venezuela.
Access to food and health care services are both a fundamental human right and basic necessities required to survive. With your support, we are building a foundation upon which Venezuelan children and families can not only survive, but thrive. | La alimentacion y la salud son derechos humanos y necesidades basicas para la vida. Con tu apoyo, estamos construyendo una base sobre la que las ninas, los ninos y las familias venezolanas podran florecer.
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