Restore 4 classrooms for 67 poor deaf and dumb Restore 4 classrooms for 67 poor deaf and dumb Restore 4 classrooms for 67 poor deaf and dumb Restore 4 classrooms for 67 poor deaf and dumb

Ongdh Maniema Libertes

Org #84273
Vetted since 2021
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


MALI's areas of intervention are: Human Rights, democracy, good governance, the environment and the sustainable management of natural resources, Gender and Development, Media and the press for the consolidation of Peace and development .

Project Leaders
Adalbert Shabani
Adalbert Shabani
Adalbert Shabani bamwe, Kasimu Bin Mussa, Chantal Sumbu Andjelani
Organization Information
07, Okenge Street
Kindu, Maniema 47
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Organization Information
07, Okenge Street
Kindu, Maniema 47
Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Report of project restore 4classrooms for 67deaf

By Adalbert Shabani | Executive Director of Maniema Libertes

Avec Votre contribution, Maniema Libertés prévoit de remettre en état 4 salles de classe pour permettre à 67 enfants sourds-muets issus de familles pauvres de la ville de... Read the full report ›

Restore 4 classrooms for 67 poor deaf and dumb

By Adalbert Shabani | Executive Director of Maniema Libertes

The Restore 4 classrooms for 67 poor deaf and dumb Project is a very important Project for poor children who continue to study in difficult conditions The Project planned to repair the roof, repair... Read the full report ›

Restore 4 Classrooms for 67 poor deaf and dmb

By Adalbert Shabani | Executive Director of Maniema Libertes

Our Project is still awaiting contributions from people of good will to start the planned rehabilitation activities. The restoration work on the 4 classrooms has not yet started for the following... Read the full report ›
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