Prithipura Communities is a non-profit organisation, that works to enable individuals with disabilities reach their full potential and ultimately reintegrate into wider society, through providing a loving home, rehabilitation, education, training, and employment, and promoting the intrinsic value of all humans regardless of disability. 'Building Lives and Abilities'
Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:
By Katherine de Kretser | Project Leader
Thank you so much for helping us raise over £4,000 this December! The past few years have been challenging, but this year has brought new opportunities and growth. It’s been about... Read the full report ›By Katherine de Kretser | Project Leader
The past four months have been incredibly dynamic, with exciting developments alongside our regular work! Thanks to your generous support, we continue to innovate and assist those in our care in... Read the full report ›By Katherine de Kretser | Project Leader
Those who live at Prithipura Communities have enjoyed celebrating the New Year here which takes place in April. It marks the end of the harvesting season and is celebrated with a series of... Read the full report ›