Give Healthy Food to Poor Children in Hungary Winter sports Summer school event We are happy

Szabad Waldorf Nevelesert Alapitvany

Org #38645
Vetted since 2017
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Foundation helps Waldorf institutions and parents' communities - operating especially in and around Solymar and Budapest - to achieve their educational goals and through this pursues upbringing, educational, skill developmental, propagative and cultural activity. The Foundation's aims: a.) maintaining, supporting and organizing the operations of Waldorf educational institutions, the Waldorf Kindergarten Solymar, and Nest Waldorf School, High School and Elementary School of Arts. Support Waldorf educator training within the framework of adult education; b.) if necessary, foundation or participation in the foundation of new Waldorf related educational institutions, thereby continui... read more

Projects (2)

Project Leaders
Szabolcs Katai
Szabolcs Katai
Balazs Kornyey
Balazs Kornyey
Szabolcs Katai
Organization Information
Bocskai u. 23.
Solymar, 2083
+36 26 360306
Organization Information
Bocskai u. 23.
Solymar, 2083
+36 26 360306

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Kulteri palya / Outdoor sportst field

By Szabolcs Katai | project manager

(ENGLISH BELOW) Kedves Támogatóink! Megint elkezdodött az iskolaév, de még elotte ... ... mozgalmas nyarunk volt, mert mostanra érett be egy több... Read the full report ›

Elkezdodott az iskolaev /Schoolyear started

By Szabolcs Katai | project manager

(ENGLISH BELOW) Kedves Támogatóink! Szeptemberben megint elkezdödött az iskola, elkezdtük az ebédeltetést is. A tavaly bevezetett több... Read the full report ›

Ujra itt a nyar / Summer has arrived again

By Szabolcs Katai | project leader

(ENGLISH BELOW) Kedves Támogatóink! Ismét megérkezett a nyár... Mozgalmas évünk volt itt a csarnokban. Legutóbbi... Read the full report ›
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