Mother's Heart Organization Gift 40 babies with the best start in life Gift 40 babies with the best start in life Maternal education

Mother's Heart

Org #13745
Vetted since 2013 Site Visit Verified
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Overall women in Cambodia undergo a high number of abortions, and unplanned pregnancies are frequent. Many women die from unsafe abortions and those that continue with their pregnancy are often ostracised from their families and communities, and live in poverty. There are no social services existing within Cambodia to help these women. Many women in Cambodia come from extremely vulnerable situations, being that trafficking, sexual abuse, HIV and poverty are real issues today. Mother's Heart vision is to provide unconditional love to women facing crisis pregnancies and to see women empowered with choices, so that they can make the best decision for their future and the future of their ba... read more

Projects (2)

Project Leaders
Zarah Jane Rushworth
Zarah Jane Rushworth
Katrina Gliddon
Katrina Gliddon
Sarith Chhom, Nara Chea, Somphors Seong, Zarah Rushworth, Deborah Kneale, Chanchariya Hun
Organization Information
House 508, street 24BT, Boeng Tompun
Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh N/A
+855 12 664 808
Organization Information
House 508, street 24BT, Boeng Tompun
Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh N/A
+855 12 664 808

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

We couldn't do it without YOU!

By Zarah Rushworth | Project Leader

Dear valued supporters,When Somanea (not her real name) arrived at Mother's Heart, the trauma from her abusive relationships deeply affected her mental health, leaving her struggling with severe... Read the full report ›

We couldn't do it without YOU!

By Zarah Rushworth | Project Leader

Dear valued supporters,When Somanea (not her real name) arrived at Mother's Heart, the trauma from her abusive relationships deeply affected her mental health, leaving her struggling with severe... Read the full report ›

Empowering Lives: 3rd Quarter Highlights

By Zarah Rushworth | Communications Officer

Dear Friends and Supporters, Time is flying by! As we enter the final quarter of 2024, we're excited to share our progress report detailing the strides we've made from June to September. Your generous... Read the full report ›
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