5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela

by SOCIEVEN, Deafblind of Venezuela
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5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela
5 SENSES IN ACTION: Deafblindness in Venezuela


SOCIEVEN develope its activities with the COLLABORATIVE TEAM, providing ADVICE AND TRAINING to people with deafblindness, professionals and families, PROVIDED special products and materials to people, specialized appointments and exams, counseling and functional evaluations, ACCOMPANIMENT for educational and human resources inclusion, providing ACCESSIBILITY to 1.620 peoples.

total goal
monthly donor


SOCIEVEN, Deafblind People of Venezuela has a wonderfull colaborative staff, alliances and voluntiers. Now, we are experiencing a economic crisis that puts at risk our work of almost 30 years throughout the country. We have 620 deafblind people located, we work with them, their families, profesional training and the defense of their rights. SOCIEVEN benefits at 873 people in 2023.We require financial support to reach a larger population. SOCIEVEN participate in the Global Campaigne of DBI


To Reach people with deafblindness in Greater Caracas and other states in the interior of the country to provide direct benefits and support to them and their families, make alliances with the health and educational sectors, medical operations for accurate evaluation, training in deafblindness in institutions public, donation and training in the use of canes and magnifying glasses, alternative communication strategies, eye and ear treatments, use Usher's Practical Guides.

Long-Term Impact

SOCIEVEN continues its work nationwide, reaching 1.612 persons, including people with deafblindness (children, young people and adult), families, professionals and the community. It manages to make alliances with the State to join in professional training in public institutions, expand the awareness campaign and deliver the Practical Guide to Usher Syndrome to 1.000 people at the national and regional level.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

SOCIEVEN, Deafblind of Venezuela

Location: Caracas, Distrito Capital - Venezuela
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @socieven
Project Leader:
Maria de la Luz de Troconis
Caracas , Distrito Capital Venezuela
$8,549 raised of $55,850 goal
108 donations
$47,301 to go
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