100 Scholarships for Girls in Niger!

by Remember Niger Coalition
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100 Scholarships for Girls in Niger!
100 Scholarships for Girls in Niger!
100 Scholarships for Girls in Niger!
100 Scholarships for Girls in Niger!
100 Scholarships for Girls in Niger!


Less than 50% of girls in Niger attend primary school, only 11% progress to middle school, and less than 5% matriculate to high school. Keeping girls in school during middle and high school has a positive, cascading effect on their lives, families, and communities. The intended outcome of our Girls Advancement Program is that girls are enabled to continue their secondary education. We aim to ensure that 100 girls are in school and supported for success during the 2023-24 academic year.

total goal
monthly donors


Niger currently ranks 189 out of 191 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index (and last on the Education Index). Unfortunately, girls bear the brunt of the education crisis in Niger. Of the 25% of children who complete primary school, 15% will progress to middle school, and 12% will go to high school. For girls, only 9% will complete primary school and fewer than 5% will continue to middle school.


Remember Niger's Girls' Advancement program provides critical access to secondary education for girls by giving them the opportunity to enroll in and stay in school through our scholarship program. Their chances of success are bolstered through the targeted tutoring that is included in the program. We also work to educate parents and communities regarding the value and importance of girls' education. This threefold approach addresses many barriers girls in Niger face in acquiring an education.

Long-Term Impact

The expected outcomes for the 2023-24 academic year are: - 100 girls accepted into the Girls' Advancement program at 3 schools: Tahoua, Aguie, Zinder. - 12,000 hours of tutoring provided - Community involvement in supporting girls to participatei in afterschool tutoring - Direct impact on 100 girls - Indirect impact on 600 people (immediate family) - Pass rate on National Exam of 60% (pass rate for all girls in Niger in 2022 was 24%)

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Remember Niger Coalition

Location: Holland, MI - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Remember_Niger
Project Leader:
Carrie Blake
Holland , MI United States

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