Your gift delivers #GratefulRecovery to 18 Men

by Fresh Start Recovery Centre
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Your gift delivers #GratefulRecovery to 18 Men
Your gift delivers #GratefulRecovery to 18 Men
Your gift delivers #GratefulRecovery to 18 Men
Your gift delivers #GratefulRecovery to 18 Men
Your gift delivers #GratefulRecovery to 18 Men
Your gift delivers #GratefulRecovery to 18 Men
Your gift delivers #GratefulRecovery to 18 Men
Your gift delivers #GratefulRecovery to 18 Men
Your gift delivers #GratefulRecovery to 18 Men
Your gift delivers #GratefulRecovery to 18 Men
Your gift delivers #GratefulRecovery to 18 Men
Your gift delivers #GratefulRecovery to 18 Men
Your gift delivers #GratefulRecovery to 18 Men


This issue IS closer to home than ever before; it could be the kid next door or even under your own roof. Opioids (specifically fentanyl) have overtaken guns, car crashes and HIV as the leading cause of accidental deaths. People with the disease of addiction find access to recovery challenging because of the stigma associated with addiction, combined with scarcity and limited access to funding for treatment and a shortage of effective facilities. Supporting us addresses three of these challenges

total goal
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The prolonged economic downturn in Calgary has fueled a dramatic increase in alcohol consumption and an epidemic in fentanyl misuse and deaths among families in all socio-economic sectors. Many of the people who are desperate for the treatment that will save their lives have very limited resources or have exhausted their finances trying to find the help they need. Without treatment, continued misuse will result in jails, institutions and then death. Your gift can help these men live and thrive.


Your contribution gives men who need and want recovery, access to #GratefulRecovery through housing, treatment and support. With your help, Fresh Start will not turn anyone who truly wants recovery away because they can't afford treatment. Your contribution to this project will subsidize half of the unfunded costs for 18 people to begin and complete our 16-week, accredited program that has an 80% completion rate and yields a 55% success rate for people achieving one year of continuous sobriety.

Long-Term Impact

With #GratefulRecovery, these 18 men will go on to be present and responsible fathers who make their children feel loved, caring and thoughtful partners to share life's challenges with head on, compassionate and attentive sons to aging and frail parents in their twilight years and responsive, dependable and accessible neighbours to make your community a better place. For each one of these eighteen men in recovery, there are 25 other people who will find greater peace and be positively impacted.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Fresh Start Recovery Centre

Location: Calgary, AB - Canada
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @FreshStartRC
Project Leader:
Rod Garossino
Calgary , AB Canada
$29,647 raised of $99,000 goal
334 donations
$69,353 to go
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