Promote the economic empowerment of women through the development of soft skills and trades in order to have better economic and employment opportunities to achieve autonomy and economic independence that allows them to develop skills to prevent them from living or tolerating situations of violence, exploitation and abuse.
Institutionalized adolescents have difficulties when they reach adulthood, due to lack of training and support at the beginning of their working life and to assume new responsibilities. Given their lack of education and experience, they have little or no economic opportunity and income. Unfortunately, the lack of experience will lead them to live in deprivation, to carry out activities that do not favor their human development and they will be vulnerable to acts of discrimination, abuse or recru
It will provide adolescents with training in trades, workshops and educational skills that strengthen them for their insertion in daily life and overcoming new challenges in life.
In our foster home, each year approximately 12 minors reach the age of majority in which they can decide whether to voluntarily leave the foster home. In recent years, the home has reintegrated more than 150 young adults into society to seek their jobs, better opportunities and later to form a family. The impact is of at least 450 people who may have better opportunities for decent jobs and a psycho-social model with a greater social structure.