Her Farm is a 100% woman owned and operated farm in rural Nepal. The farm provides a safe place for women to live, farm and thrive. They can control their own destinies by controlling their own land. nearly 30 women and children call Her Farm home. There is a school to educate the children and a health clinic at Her Farm.
Domestic abuse rates are high in Nepal. Women with mental health issues are rejected by families and tossed out to live on the streets, poor families cannot feed nor educate their children and often it's the children of poor families who end up being abandoned as orphans to the many orphan homes in Kathmandu, some of whom are known sources for trafficking of young girls. There's no place for these women and children to go, to live in safety and provide for themselves. Her Farm is that place.
These women are skilled farmers, they can support themselves and feed their children if they have a little land. Her Farm provides them with shelter and place to grow food. That's the essential needs, without which they will stay trapped in abuse. 30 women and children, all from horrific backgrounds call Her Farm home. The women own the land called Her Farm and from it they are feeding themselves and their children. They are growing strong, and independant.
There's no other comparable project to Her Farm. The very idea that an unrelated group of women, rejected by their own families, or having left their homes due to abuse, could own and operate a farm of this scale. It's simply unheard of in Nepal. Yet at Her Farm that's exactly what has happended. A group of women and children from every caste, from every possible background, live and work together on this farm. This is a model project for women's empowerment like no other project.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).