Our wellbeing activities will reduce social isolation & loneliness among 150 residents in Batley & Spen, West Yorkshire. We will help build confidence through friendship, conversation & participation. Activities include: visits to places of interest; social & games afternoons; themed memory sessions; family & local history walks & talks plus craft & making workshops. Our activities will take place at Milen Care; The Mission; The Pakistan Kashmir Welfare Association & Batley & District Mencap.
Our growing population of older residents can remain active but to do so they require support with their health & wellbeing. Their carers need support too. With 60% of our over 75s living alone the potential for isolation and loneliness is a major concern. Long-term health conditions are increasing with age & co-morbidity (having multiple conditions) is most common amongst older age groups. Mobility & self-care problems are increasing with age. We will develop participatory support activities.
By creating conversations and developing friendships we will help to increase opportunities for our older residents. This aim will be achieved through a variety of enjoyable activities. By building confidence through participation we seek to reduce isolation and loneliness. We seek to make our activities accessible to older residents and their carers. For example, we will achieve this by providing transport where needed and by working in partnership with our local authority & other providers
As our project evolves we seek to encourage participants (older resident & carers) to plan, develop & run their own activities. We will share our experiences & learn from others. Especially those groups who are supporting Batley's older residents. For example Milen Care; The PKWA (Pakistan Kashmir Welfare Association); The Mission at Howden Clough Community Centre and Batley & District Mencap.