Way to the Future-Talent Program

by Fejer Megyei Esely Gyermekvedelmi es Gyermeksegito Alapitvany
Way to the Future-Talent Program
Way to the Future-Talent Program
Way to the Future-Talent Program
Way to the Future-Talent Program
Way to the Future-Talent Program
Way to the Future-Talent Program
Way to the Future-Talent Program
Way to the Future-Talent Program


Our program works with children who live in child's home. In a Child's Home live multiply disadvantaged children, who have actually no opportunity to live with their own family.These children think they are not worthy, they have low self esteem. Their concept about their future are not formed, they don't know what they can do with their own life. We support them to learn a good profession to increase their chance to get a good work.

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Most of the children who live in a Child's Home have a lot emotional hurts, and unfortunately they think they are not able to do anything. They have low self esteem. These features worsen their chance in schools so they often have learning, integration and behavior problems in school. If they don't pick up a good, marketable job probably they will be unemployed when they grow up.


Our program will achieve the results by increasing self-esteem, and their knowledge about different careers and foreign languages. Aim of the learning trips is the students will get acquainted with different workplaces, different jobs. They will be familiarized with expectations and requirements of a workplace. We would like to organize a camp with playful exercises, situation exercises. The main aim of the camp is to give possibility for the children to use and strengthen their new abilities

Long-Term Impact

Children will know different jobs, careers, learning opportunities. Subsuequent upon they will be able to decide what job suits them. They can acquire foreign languages so they have opportunity to try themselves in abroad, can know other cultures and societies. If they find what work suits them their chance to fit in the society will increase substantially.


Organization Information

Fejer Megyei Esely Gyermekvedelmi es Gyermeksegito Alapitvany

Location: Szekesfehervar, Fejer - Hungary
Project Leader:
Maria Deresne Tanarki
Szekesfehervar , Hungary
$24,858 raised of $35,000 goal
285 donations
$10,142 to go
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