Development of WASH Infrastructure at the government schools of Nepal wherein underprivileged students have a better access to the clean safe drinking water, health and hygiene awareness and better and sustainable sanitation facilities.
Students in the government School of Nepal don't have the appropriate access to the better WASH Facilities. Students are not accessed by the clean safe drinking water, better hygiene education and sustainable sanitation facilities.
Installation of the better WASH Facilities will solve the problem of better source of water, clean safe drinking water. Children will be educated about the importance of better health and hygiene education and the infrastructure facilities which will be more child friendly and girls friendly.
The beneficiaries will have the access of clean safe drinking water for the longest tenure provided a better maintenance is done. Community outreach can be achieved with the better health and hygiene education. Students attendance at the schools will be increased with the better facilities of WASH Infrastructure.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).