An opportunity to change disadvantaged young lives for the better through professional qualification and training. We encourage socially vulnerable young people to choose education, inspiring them to dream and aim higher. We offer training opportunities in recognized educational institutions and provide continued individual follow up. We also create initiatives to increase our participants chances in finding formal work.
Brazil has a lack of skilled labour and the government does not offer equal access to quality education and professional qualifications to young people. School leavers from poor backgrounds often start working with no qualification or training, usually informally. In general they need help understanding which skills and qualifications are required to find formal employment and that vocational training can improve their chances in fulfilling available job posts.
Vocational training can facilitate the entry into the job market, which, in turn, can enable and improve access to further education and young peoples perspectives in life. That is why Dream Learn Work provides professional qualification and vocational training to youth, assisting them in acquiring vocational and life skills, guiding and supporting their choices, helping them in achieving their full potential and changing their futures for the better.
Professional qualifications and vocational training have a permanent positive impact on young people's lives, improving their employability, enabling further development, and, also, benefiting the communities they live in. We inspire young people to dream and help them achieve those dreams. Our course completion rate is 94% and, even with a deep financial crisis, 51% of our participant are employed in their area of qualification.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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