The UWC Costa Rica Sports and Cultural Festival brings together 500+ people from around the country, especially students from different public and private schools. It is a space where everyone can live the UWC mission for one afternoon. As UWC we are the example that living together in tolerance, with different nations and cultures, for a better future is possible. We aim to overcome the lack of interaction between people from different socioeconomic backgrounds that Costa Rica faces every day.
Our budget is very limited and we need at least $2,000 to ensure that each visitor can make the real UWC experience with all its wonderful, exciting and diverse sides. We will have a football tournament, different dance performances, a cultural fashion show and a Holi among others. The limited time and also the bake sells we have are not enough to reach our goal. No other school in Costa Rica can provide the space for different people to come together to simply be and celebrate the difference.
We want to approach all of those who believe in the same thing as we do and kindly ask about a small donation. We want, that the spark of awareness that we live in our daily lives can spread and finally ignite, since only then we will be able to truly make a difference. The UWC Festival is the space where we can be together, public and private school, black and white, Muslim and Christian, and finally forget about our differences as instead we will show every visitor how to celebrate them.
The UWC mission is not just a mission, it is a way of living, thinking and believing. UWC makes people open minded, tolerant, caring, thoughtful and, most importantly, seeking for a better future. Whoever comes to the UWC Costa Rica Festival, no matter how shortly, will always carry a part of it with him/her and spread it until we all believe that equality, truth and freedom are things worth fighting for.