Emergency fund for children

by Reach Out NGO
Emergency fund for children
Emergency fund for children
Emergency fund for children
Emergency fund for children
Emergency fund for children
Emergency fund for children
Emergency fund for children
Emergency fund for children
Emergency fund for children
Emergency fund for children
Emergency fund for children
Emergency fund for children
Emergency fund for children
Emergency fund for children


This project supports internally displaced children with extreme vulnerabilities: Children with disabilities, severely malnourished children, child survivors of sexual violence, unaccompanied children, and the urgently sick. With your donation, they receive necessary treatment, counselling for their caregivers and economic support based on needs. Children are identified through referrals from other charitable organizations, through mobile clinics, and through a network of local volunteers.

total raised
monthly donors


Maria is a 13-year-old child in the North-West Region of Cameroon who was raped by a neighbor repeatedly. He also recorded a video which is now viral among the population of her small town. She and her family just want her to relocate, start going back to school, and be safe from further danger. Boris is a child with Partial Paralysis born in a family with a poor background. There's never been money to do all the tests and scans necessary to consider any possible treatment.


Reach Out case workers work with the child and the family to understand the most acute needs, and make a support plan that involves counselling, economic support, and coverage of immediate needs. Their work is overseen by experts on Social work and case-management, and the privacy of the beneficiaries is respected throughout the process. Some of the pictures in this project are from the archives of Reach Out, as the image of the survivors and vulnerable children is often protected.

Long-Term Impact

This project will change the lives of 10 children living in conflict zones who are going through extreme situations. We will give them the chance to have a more dignified life and mitigate any further damage and risk that poverty could cause. We will give them the opportunities they deserve to be safe and loved.


Organization Information

Reach Out NGO

Location: Buea, South West Region - Cameroon
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @reachoutdev1
Project Leader:
Marc Serna
Buea , South West Region Cameroon

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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