The project targeting 50 impoverished orphan youth who are vulnerable to abuse, neglect, & exploitation by Criminals & extremists. providing holistic care in the areas of,education, food, legal protection, medical & psychosocial services to orphans & vulnerable kids.Our program reaches 300 youth providing the only meal most will eat for the day, & our scholarship program allows youth (boys & girls) opportunity to attend school who otherwise wouldn't be able to attend.We offer hope beyond poverty
Because of war & COVID pandemic in Yemen, there were an estimation of 800,000 orphans. Approximately 1.3 million kids were displaced by war violence. Yousef & his friends work,beg or sell items on the streets; collect cans at trash dumps. Working in other risky jobs, they suffer from trauma & lack key legal documents to go to school & get food or other government benefits.Yousef & his friends are at great risk of hunger, abuse,neglect & exploitation by criminals, extremists & human traffickers.
youth get legal documents to go to school & get food & delivers tutoring, nutrition,hygiene & health care,psychosocial services & fun to orphans & at-risk children.By providing food, protection,medical & psychosocial support & education to children at least three problems are solved.Children are kept off the streets, thus lowering the risk of exposure to drugs, prostitution & early death.meals eliminate the risk of starvation & increase the child's overall health.offers chance for poverty to end
Benefits of feeding & scholarship programs are rewarding.Having various paths to success & well-rounded education for young people gives youth areal chance to succeed & to break the crushing cycle of extreme poverty, & to lift up their families & communities as well.This past year, 3youth from the program began studying at universities on scholarships This would not have been possible without the care we were able to provide for these kids.As the program continues,children grow & graduate break
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